Our Rates

We have flexible options for booking, as we know that in today's world things are changing at incredible speed, and with them your needs and your client's needs.

Opening hours are 7 a.m. to 11 p.m., 7 days a week.

You can choose block booking for a five hour slot or more, ad hoc booking or a combination.

The rates are inclusive of service charges, building management, building insurance, internet, heating, cleaning, security and the use of the kitchenettes.


All Day
7am - 11pm
Weekday Block Booking
Mon to Fri
£9 to £12
per hour
Weekend Block Booking
per hour
Additional Ad Hoc
1 hour
per hour
Option to book unlimited ad hoc hours for a monthly fee of £20
per hour from the second hour


Any block bookings will be invoiced at the beginning of each month.
All ad hoc bookings will be invoiced at the end of each month.
You will be able to pay by bank transfer.


We have a 28 days notice for any change in the block bookings.
We have a 48 hours cancellation policy for any ad hoc hours. terms & conditions
Our Rooms


Block bookings need to be arranged ahead of time.

Once registered with East London Therapy Rooms, you will receive account login details to make any extra ad hoc bookings you require.

To login to your account simply click on any of the buttons which appear in the header or footer of our website.

To register with East London Therapy Rooms, and to discuss you and your clients' needs click the button below and fill in the form.